Sunday, 25 November 2012

I built a machine from love and junctions

I built a machine from love and junctions that could solve every conceivable problem in the most amicable manner on its own terms but it was stolen and sold to the Nazis. Convinced of our lack of a better nature in time we decided that everything we were and are is everything we will be and killed each other with our corrupt and painfully easy to influence intelligences. We poisoned peoples dreams. Like that one lady in snow white. The problem is, is that if their attempts to influence work, then they are likely subject to a manner of manipulation themselves. If they can't escape their doctrine then they may as well not trust any of their actions or define them as anything beyond simple instructions they follow to keep their meme alive. Right now I’m imagining people going out and getting laid while I sit in a box playing computer games designed to be homicidal to bide time in between being cripplingly emotionally abused. Also internet porn. Whose very existence, the idea that there are a bunch of people fucking each other for profit, as my only escape from my dead world has become a terrible torture for me.

I had this dream that females controlled the world using their vaginas. Not just by rewarding beople, but also entangling them with your farts if you'd been bad. Actually, it wasn't all bad. They could bring you back from the brink of death had you been abused or dealt some bad cards in life. But still, it wasn’t a nice dream. Mainly because it was selecting for the most competitive and/or the easiest to influence. I’m not sure if that leads to a stalemate state or some other inevitable conclusion. Also, it kind of ruined love - though their public philosophy was that they hated love, making the dream state somewhat easier to attain. Made it a lot more turmoilous for people who didn’t accept the situation, though. Especially those who really did love, trust, and who knew instinctively what this meant for them.

I’m sometimes called an animal. Which is, assuming you don’t consider yourself one, or that it's derogatory in assessment of state, far from the truth. It seems unfair that one is considered normal while the other is required to adhere to their standards - it seems more like simple strategy, of assertion of place in abstract hierarchy - It seems their understanding could be likened to that of a localized field, which understands in terms of positions of weighted importance relative to itself. This is in contrast with the alternate idea of a field which envelops everything at some core level, treating everything as roughly equal and attempting to bridge the gap. This might be partly what's to blame for me slowly rotting in a cage. I drew a diagram.

         __         __          __         __
         \o`-. V .-`o/          \o`-. V .-`o/
          )   '#'   (            )   '#'   (
          \_ .-#-. _/            \_ .-#-. _/
           /`  #  `\              /`  #  `\
           \o /V\ o/              \o /V\ o/
            )/   \(                )/   \(
           '`     `'              '`     `'
             Small                Far Away.

(Also, they're off to the side in one dimension and inside out.)

Ever see those Greek jars with the masturbating satyrs on them? One of the earliest records of humour, supposedly. I hope it has nothing to do with an order that preys on sadness like some of my other dreams. That is as equally worryingly misled as the vaginae.

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