Tuesday 7 June 2022

tris (formerly known as quads) : recursive tetras or octas

- the ability to visualize high density data structures
- implies possibility of higher level control of neural net
- clearer and more vivid reconstruction in ’minds-eye’
- accurate internal representation of animal behavior, reasoning
- implies segmentation, advanced world analysis and representation
- reconstruction of experience by merging map of perception and behavioural analysis
- ability to approximate experiences of external life forms first-hand
- with the right processing mechanics in place, influx of data (mentioned below) can be utilized positively rather than simply becoming confusing
- depending on the data processed, humans may construct a better personal understanding of the universe, possibly able to prove their observations scientifically provided they are able to process data effectively
- suggests that humans are unable to selectively filter out data when operating normally, the filters are habitual, perhaps influenced by the network of identity they are born into, and are probably suited to communicating effectively rather than raw information gathering

- connections between concepts become varied
- suggests strength of neural pathways are weighted differently
- connections always appear to be relevant, suggesting a heightened availability of subconsciously processed data rather than random connections taking place

side effects include :
- uncontrollable influx of external (and possibly internal) data. Although processing is often automatic it is possible to control processing with a certain level of concentration
- influx of data influences (damages?) control of motor system, loss of control
- influx of data makes it harder to behave within the boundaries of social standard, communication becomes difficult
- as the two main side effects are externally obvious whilst the internal effects are invisible, humans in the vicinity may jump to inaccurate conclusions when processing behavioral data in order to approximate reasons behind it

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