Tuesday 7 June 2022

Clock hands through set wax

Syncopation. Stability. Polyrhythm.

It's just funny.
How stupid things can be?

Sorry for being so -
Fucked up?

You should know appearances can be deceiving.
You damaged something very valuable.

"Well, that obviously hurts him, so we'll stop doing that."
"Good point. Well played."
"...Fuck off."

Hiding behind a grinning wall.

"We regarded your every little diamond." Referring to, I would imagine, the cascade of every potential life form through time, every potential outcome. Perhaps it is what was disregarded that would ease the frustration of a devil constantly whispering in my ear, namely the collapse of a waveform which full circle, would have created another level of stability. "We build you up and we tear you down".

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