Tuesday 7 June 2022

In space, building / repairing our spaceship. Working on the engine. Don't recall the exact nature of the tasks but we spend a lot of time doing this - it appears to be planetary in scope. We finish for the day, but set upon the task of improving it by integrating two transparent matter / antimatter lenses of opposite polarity, which act like magnets, constantly attracted to each other. We experiment with their effects. Worry what'll happen if we leave them to fuse for too long - we were going to nap, and without being monitored, if we set them in place, they might eventually react erratically. Someone mentions other planets - concerned about modifying the external heavenly bodies in our solar system as they may play a subtle part in the process / development / evolution of life.

I wake up. I am treated to a barrage of uncontrolled internal reactions, which begin with the Insane Clown Posse song 'Miracles', followed by aggressive whispering.

In a mocking voice : "Octopus is sad now the front row that used to be empty is now full of people".

I reply that that's a pretty lame excuse. Exploitative. That it is a perfect example of "System M is true, and state N is true within the context of that system". And that there's no-where it can go if it needs to rest. Reminded of bears in cages being filmed going insane and get the distinct feeling that Zoos are 1 part education, 99 parts light entertainment, and an unspecified number of parts misinterpreting their inhabitants - that people rarely learn anything from them, and whose inmates may actually be driving the universe.

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