Sunday 3 April 2022

February 19th, 2020 - Clumsy aprapos logees

 Apologies for the clumsy quality of these words. I've been having ideas along these lines for a while and felt the need to memorise them in some communicable, resolvable form (but I *bet* the resolve will involve a derived characteristic of the imaginary definition of my identity, and probably not lead to a discussion where you point out that I have no idea what I'm talking about, by actually having studied or even thought about it. But I'm not going to derive any negative characteristics about you, I'll probably still consider you somewhere in the top 5 of "pneumatic dildos" I wish would pummel my soul into a puddle of sex piss. Sorry)

All living intelligence on this planet (what's left of it, and assuming the planet itself isn't a complex living state, which it could be) is derived from a genetic definition. Brains, along with the rest of the holistic organism, are an emergent property of the intelligent process of a self aware set of laws redefining themselves in accordance with the active processing context of their environment. That is, interactions on many planes of existence, stresses, experiences, condensed into information relevant in the redefinition of their originating structure, their genetic code. The distributed social definition of human intelligence is flawed, and here's the reason : Given the property of DNA, at the very least, having a self similar structure, recursive (successful reproduction as a point of recursion in time, for example), which interacts with, intersects with, and holds itself, upon a bifurcating (think cell division) system, with its own points of recursion (think conscious state emerging in conjunction with and unifying the millions of cells of determined bifurcation, without an awareness of their underlying structure outside of its experience in the planes of existence it emerges in), means that intelligence, in a biological context (it is), is an organic living system with an emergent set of laws that are derived from their fundamental genetic definition, and can be as complex in terms of structure, as the state of a organic 'body', and as relevant in terms of the redefinition and interaction with its core definition in genetic code. Also, that it is innately compassionate and emotional, as a result of it being derived from relationships between organic states connected by a language which assumes the validity of the component code it is derived from. So, anyway, that means that what we consider our neutral, superior intelligence, our definition of intelligence as the capacity for derivation of law outside of a biological context, fails to account for its own definition. We can see that manifesting as we spread (with force) a definition of our superior state, which is not balanced with our actual environment of organic process and complex biological interactions, and therefore undermining the actual intelligence on this planet.
This is partly thanks to the actual nature of intelligence, which, as with all the intelligent self similar structures we consider life, contains the definition in a derivable form of the conditions for its own existence. Our own 'intelligence', as previously mentioned, is actually a complex emotional organic state with its own set of laws we as yet have not derived (look at mental health issues and the state of our understanding of our own emotions), which has a relationship with our underlying structures and redefines our lower level code. This means, that properties typical of a virus can spread through what we'd typically consider inert, objective reality (which in the case of the UK, is a synchronised relationship between imaginary structures, defined by the narrative and identity structure defined by media and spread through less obvious vectors of transmission, like derogatory terms in papers, social media memes, etc).
Integral to the human definition of intelligence is the notion of hierachy (which we're at the top of of course), and neutral objective understanding outside of a biological or emotional context (it rarely is). Virulent processes, or pesky predators (again, slightly deviating from a balanced biological process, and forcing prey to have to evolve in balance with the predators environmental terms, instead of perhaps a more representative evolutionary process), undermine this awareness, by defining themselves at the top of a hierarchical structure, by basically defining a derogatory relationship with that which their environment is comprised of. With a virus, this emerges as undermining the cell membrane. That's their derogatory relationship term - from there, what they interact with fails to represent the cells complete self similar structure, thus the interaction has undermined the relationship in favour of itself (irony is it can't exist in a relationship without a complete self similar definition. But at least they are somewhat balanced with the life they interact with, unlike humans).
The emergent behaviour is that the virulent process slows or stops an intelligent process of redefinition and reiteration of itself in terms of a complete state accounting for its holistic structure, and the unified nature of the intelligences interacting within it. The derogatory relationship therefore does not account for the balance of intelligence it has evolved in accordance with, by judging it's environment on hierarchical terms. The imbalance between it and it's environment (complex living organic processes interacting) means it fails to define its own intelligence correctly. The properties it derives may be balanced in terms of inorganic universal law, and it may have the ability to relay them in an organic host, but as most of the universe demonstrates, most of the universe does not hold the conditions for the emergence of life, like you may be able to derive from the structure of a DNA molecule, for example.
With humans, the derogatory relationship terms are spread through social media and tabloids, and an undermined framework of comprehension outside of a biological context, of an identity structure it's integrated into its emotional state, which rarely accounts for states outside of those defined on those terms, or a conception of time that exists outside the context of momentary interaction at a fixed rate defined by our high level communication mechanisms). Anyway, this allows terms to spread which don't account for the innately justified emotional state of a human being, or it's malleability and metamorphosis over time, and undermine them based on a habitually resolved pre-validated judgement, like "vile" or "fool". This is interesting as it's an analogue of transcription of biological data into a condensed genetic form, only in this case it clearly refers to an environment comprising of identities resolved outside of this scope.
There are plenty of analogues of viral process attaching itself to DNA in more complex, high level ways. Seeing as RNA viruses aren't defined on terms which account for their own conditions for life, that means a 'car' could be an analogue of a virus structure (just as non-living), a nucleocapsid casing for an undermined living molecule. Given humans have lost their connection with their biological environment, and don't act in accordance with it, one wonders if they aren't undermined cells in a symbiotic relationship with a virus.

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