Tuesday 26 April 2022

Continuing when the capacity / ability to sequence events is restored


Markings on the ground, seem like very simple 3 or 4 'vertex' machines rotating around an axis. Also sometimes seem like they are travelling at high velocity and crashing into elements in the world
Could not sleep without chemically inducing, thanks to aforementioned condition. Awake for 4 days, conception of time skyrocketed. Appeared to be turbulence as markings on the pavement, chaotic carrier of some organic process, particle accelerator carrying transport malfunction
J-set interactions manifesting as momentary awareness in T-dim. Photographic evidence of environmental disturbances, some photos appeared to be infinitely replicating when uploaded to the cloud, including green marking on pavement with 0.01->, I do not recall photographing
Not sure if this was expected, but recovering videos now of an event. Electric fires (a pervasive smell of a 'charged smoke' in close proximity to buildings) and a feeling of some kind of current building up to areas in the body. Bids may be corrupted. More to come

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