Tuesday, 5 April 2022

May 19th, 2020 - Simultaneous Equations

 Have you ever stared at a Necker Cube? It's an optical illusion. The projection of a wireframe cube in 3 dimensional space into two dimensions, viewed from an inferred position relative to it.

If you stare at it for a while, you're likely to see it's state switch between two, with differing information about it's spacial properties, it's faces in relation to you.
What you take from that is that it's an illusion.
But what's actually occurring is that your mind is resolving an ambiguity, an interpretation of possible states, in relation to itself and its current state. Is there a way to recreate the actual state in your mind, and not just a state in relation to it?
Your brain interprets the information as a cube in 3d space, that you're looking at from a relative position, but resolves the ambiguous information with bias in relation to itself. You don't have to be aware of the reason for the bias, but it's entirely down to your state and the manner you recreate the information.
Now imagine that you are shown a Necker cube briefly, and then are asked to democratically vote for your interpretation, which will now be representative of reality. Also, assign your interpretation to your identity, a reality which you will now defend as if it is integral to your existence.
Now, as you rule out reality with your actions, in reality, that are ruled by an attachment to an interpretation of it, smaller "faces of the Necker Cube" are born in reality.
(But what if they're not the same face as your face? They might not be. You'll have to do a generic identity test to confirm that, and hope your wife isn't offended).
Little "face of the Necker Cube" grows up in an environment where there are : "Faces of the Necker Cube", and : "Butts of the Necker Cube", horrible buttfaced people, who want to eat our faces with their butts, and put their butts where our faces are, so that our body only serves their butts and the poop comes out of our mouths and then we have to eat only poops that they've pooped, but we can't, so we slowly choke on buttpoop.
Anyway, that's why guns are legal.
And that's why we've got to make their true faces really shiny and bright, and bolster their belief in the "face of the Necker Cube", and make sure there are lots of us who agree, and give us all weapons like derogatory terms and legal powers and grenades. (Not to me of course, I'm not on active combat duty, but as a generic identity matrix adhering to the social processing of information, I do like to help by forcibly applying terms which attract grenades).

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