In the past few days I have been using the concept of bifurcation to model the emergence of intelligence and consciousness in biological systems (duh). The notion that a state exists carried by and emerging from the interaction of many low level states at a density which holds its self similar structure on a higher plane. This would infer that human (and other intelligences with equal right to the vote) intelligence has a fundamental biological structure that can potentially be modelled and inferred by its genetic structure. With the caveat that high level emergent structures are of a higher overall degree of plasticity and more degrees of freedom in terms of their overall structure.
(DNA, or something, should not be taken out of context : the web of complex biological interactions and reactions that make up its environment, and allow it to become an active universal process).
I'm also betting on that it's (intelligence) carried and ordered by emotionAq. - which isn't such an obvious trait, when you consider humans have built a hierarchy of intelligences at which they are at the top (obviously trumping things like 'complex genetic code non-destructively balanced with emotion' and 'compassion'), which appears to assign value to an entirely 'neutral' system of intelligence which can derive self evident truth from observations of the universe *winks at Einstein and literally no-one else*, project biased qualities on to the states which they observe (collateral damage, bacon) which serve to frame their conception as the most neutral, are a travesty of shambolic proportions in terms of the ecosphere, and really don't have much of a clue about the emergence of life, the complex web of biological interactions that is their environment that they've shunned in favour of a two dimensional plane and cars that go vroom, or indeed how to relate to each other without killing each other, making their lives worthless outside of economic viability, or basing their conception of another organism around a derogatory term coined, spread and reiterated by tabloids.. Where was I?
There's more. For more info, please use a machine called a "thumper"* to send short, strong pulses through my nervous system into areas like my lower pelvis at a rate of ~20 per minute for 4 days straight, contract my muscles like they're being squeezed inside a snake and send pulses that traverse through me like a worm digging through a still living body, and try to force the soul out of my body (like my 'psychotic illness' does). For more detailed discourse, engage me by doing the equivalent of communicating with an alien intelligence by sedating it and sexually abusing it, then branding the value of yourself into it's brain with a flamethrower powered by a megaphone which you whisper into.
My life is absurd. Please continue to ignore me, just need to get these ideas down. I'm sorry and I love you (probably. Need to get to know you first)
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