Wednesday 27 April 2022

Just to recap.

Anybody else find themselves laying awake at night, while common and innocent violent pulses occurring in your leg and more intimate areas of your body manifest, like they do every night without fail to me, so strong that you can feel them tug your eyelids open with them? It's like I've got the hiccups, except they're hiccups emerging from a cattle prod, and interfering with my body as I progress defenseless through the stages of sleep.

So how does everybody else deal with this common issue my defective psychological state will not allow me to process rationally? Because, because it feels like I'm being tortured, that must mean my response to this common and harmless issue is not sane, and that the problem is that I'm not sane like most people. I need to know which anti-psychotic "pill that makes you sleepy" is going to best manage my severe overreaction to my functioning completely normally physiological state. Something which doesn't apply to the core issue, so that I can instead endure unmodified or unimpeded malfunction of my physiological state which is never resolved or cured, possibly progressing in terms of the reduced stability of my intelligence and eventually causing a psychotic breakdown, which is in line with my diagnosis and can be treated with different and more anti-psychotics, which they're testing on the soul husk they torture routinely, to see if they'll cure my soul's ability to resolve love and therefore indefinitely suffer without being impeded by emotions or logic.

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