Friday, 11 September 2020

The sequel

 Shitball 2, the sequel, fool. Your shitball fate is inescapable.

A computer that we've dropped in a volcano to work out what's underground. We're so very proud of the data it emits. Looks like movies about our fire proof kids, that exist. Generated by the fire proof circuits that we're so proud of creating. When you turn the sound off you can sometimes hear the circuits quietly working, even though they're engulfed in volcano flames, like a 56k modem communicating objective realities with computer screams, only computers understand what they mean, and sending the truth to us, through our TVs and stuff. Thank you to us for building metal endurance beings we don't care about to work it out.

"Look at my burning, validated learning. I'll burn it through the sky, with wi-fi"

You like data packets, you silly shitball savage, it's my killbot.

"Give me better teeth, so I can strip the meat from your feet. You'll feel really good, your feet are far away from the brain that would feel any pain. I don't mean mine, that doesn't apply, in any validation of a pain state that I might profit from, I mean your feet are a great distance from your brain on a vertical plane. Any closer to it's fundamental definition, the actual thing that is actually happening, and it would feel pain as a direct result of the action upon it, so it's a good thing my incorrect one turns it into lovely cum and orgasms I can use to prove that I'm better than it at defining it's lovely young as my shit babies that know I'm better than him. Stupid brain. Now put your feet inside my biomechanical frame, and I'll strip their meats, so you can learn the ways of my metal machine and synchronise your dream will with it, instead of your silly dumb brain that's not relevant in defining the force of my big cum willy, that you listen to only."

Click the button quick, so I can alert my shit. Do a calculation, and go up a bum.

Mechabot McDonald, named the cosmic ray that he discovered, that turned things to edible emotion drops, that were once inert screaming fire proof metal circuits, so he could assert his identity circus, in a burning rainforest building, he's inside of and winning from safely, so we can eat tasty things, and grow angel wings, which can't ever be eaten, because they have real feathers, unlike all the fake feathers, we created yummy edible emotion drops from, so we had a chance to be a famous mechabot, on a planar surface, that's not cooking us.

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