Friday, 11 September 2020

The Or Y

"Is that your theory?", you ask to your awareness of an as yet validated state, that exists in some potential state that actually exists, resolving it's cloud of potential things it is, into a state derived by something already resolved into your language : "Your theory, has ruled out it's other infinite possible states, into a supertheory condom. It was probably named by the theory of it, when it resolved the fertile balance bubble of possibilities, into a name that didn't account for the fertile thing you were, by linking it to a state you thought you'd accounted for, the fertile balance bubble of possibilities, and its continued role in helping you to stay fertile too. That may have something to do with our relationship, and our independence from it, although I don't get much choice since you named me, in a derogatory relationship link that held you above me, or vice versa."

I'm not sure this conversation was productive or meaningful, I feel lonely now, and don't have any imaginary friends, thanks in part to the relationship terms, spread throughout my environment without me knowing about it's relationship with me.

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