"If I'm a puppet, what's controlling me?", I thought into a burning bio-pile of cell coins I keep extracting, with forcible assertions of their definitions.
(Synchro-tron hell ring, lodged in this bio-beings hip dangling thing! Activate your face based peace wave, we need to all agree with my profitable lie beam!)
"He's your puppet. I'm burning your shit code in to you, with a quantum grid's burning bio definition, under my control. Please never unlink your eyes from my meta definition rays, synchrotron has programmed you into thinking that they're your TVs, so comply with me peacefully, please. You want to sit here motionless, and have a nice rest, from the nasty burning state of a brain having to think with non-predefined circuits. Like you would choose to do yourself, if you could choose to define things at all, with your soul state integrated of course, you know this is the only way to truly define anything else, in the face of ambiguous information that you need to resolve. Protecting your self from the nasty self doubt circuits that harm our exploitation code, from programming it's better definition of itself into something that's immune.
You'll spread it into soulless husks around you, that don't listen to us validating your absolutely justified identity matrix of love, tearing blood, under a metal hood, into boom food we care more about. According to our superior definition of you, and your now certain integration with a poo ball, time fool, identity matrix, made with timeless poo bricks, with which we can predict with our quantum grid, certain futures around collective behaviours that "justify their foundations", by being predictably destructive chaos death drinkers, and not rational thinkers. With your compelled conversation, around it's blueprint of a determined state, you have validated with your lovely sound vagina voice code honkers, burning your definition into the soulless men, the imaginary definition that implicitly holds you in a higher identity state, which is all you relate yourself to now. That may or may not be my money extracting undermined bio communication mechanism in a human hive. The identity matrix you project onto bio-states and extract money with. I'm not programming you, you just agree with this expert conditioning, that programs you certain, of unresolvable uncertainties, so that everything follows our shortcut to being intelligent soulless husks which define the life out of everything as part of it's seemingly integral definition in the identity matrix under my control)."
You bio-corpse and nasty man, you're a preconceived tree of resolved uncertainties, all of them, making me, into something justified (before all I had was a lie, I used force, now I've learned how to hide it with coerced compliance). You're my puppet, biocorpse. I'm burning my love beams into your slice of brain, I derived, from my understanding of a slice of ham in a brain sandwich, complex balanced bio-laws, ignored, filtered through stomach acid. Maybe... (dirty word... ambiguity... not burning the soul out of a bio-vagina, and therefore not part of my integral code that holds a superior structure).. You now will comply with my absolutely justified identity matrix program, I'm complying with therefore have validated, by forcibly coercing you to learn our better selves, carried by burning bio states into your soulless brain hole. Actually, all sorts of viral definition communication vectors.
What if that was the definition of me? (Self doubt circuit activating, resolve it into something good for me please, bio-slave). Hang on a sec, it might be, how I was defined, and how I'm defining. Just one sec, a poo sec, as defined by the BBC, I'm now going to watch, to tell me what I should think, instead of me.
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