I want to fly the mothership! All I have to do is pay a man to point a gun at this pilot! I've been doing it since I was 2, and I haven't had a birthday yet. (I pointed a gun at it and it ran away. More time to deny it was me that stopped it from happening, so I wouldn't be falsely incriminated by someone who doesn't know that it asked me to do it, the gun, when it chose not to shoot me when I was using it). I know how to use a gun of course, I've been doing it since I was 2 (known how to fly the mothership since then too, by learning my mistakes away with this gun tool). That means I have more time to deny it was integrated into my identity, and have more time to use it to prove my imaginary definition of me, by ruling reality out of the way of my chosen method of profiting from the things I shoot at, so I have more time to pull these imaginary will levers I found with this gun, so I can fly the mothership to my imaginary destination, my imagination that I ruled with a gun in reality. A denial algorithm that denied the things which conflict with it's imaginary system, thus denying the realities with incorrect properties, that were in the way of the real imaginary definition denying them. Use of the gun existed in it's validation mechanism, which would have denied the use of the gun by shooting itself in the gun in the inevitable time paradox. Good thing it exists in my denial algorithm validated imaginary universe, which has different laws.
See, mummy mothership, we've built loads of houses, all we needed was this planet. It's so much more kind and hospitable now. You'll learn it when you go to school, to teach you all the things I already know, and learn to ignore all the people that hate you for something imaginary about you, that's not really true about you, like that you don't have an imagination or justified emotions, and resolve you as a set of preconceived projected charateristics in their imaginary definition of you, encouraging them to deny your reality, your imagination. If it's not already been denied by something else, and you're not really there at all, even though you are.
We've developed a new game program : money bunkers! We converted money into structures indestructible to things that are not bullets from a gun, that you can hide inside of and shoot a gun from. The consequential optical occlusion adds profitable xp multipliers in the quantum uncertainty fields resolve response, resolved when you click continue after your turn, that calculates it's irrelevance in the likelihood of being shot by a gun, and gives you a retreat window of about 2 more seconds before the matrix calculating you calculates you out of existence.
Measuring time with a gun ruler, it's more fun when there's a sexy trigger action. Tickle my metal claw clitoris, you death orgasm enthusiast, I'll boom right in your hands the second you command me to. That way you know I'm really only looking into your eyes, and can't deny my chosen finger stroking love calculating slave master. Make my cum bullets faster and harder, you know that's why they hate you, and you had a clue that your hatred of them was justified for some reason (it was me (kiss)). You get all my gun lovey stuff, you big love turnip who can use a gun.
Harness this genius! Baboon sphere, I'm the alpha now! I did it by doing this howl
What if we denied emotions, in the foundations, of our programs? And turned them into meaningless data we could ignore? By denying them until they don't interfere with our stable foundations, who we'll deny more if we conflict with their emotions, which are irrational states justified by something unprovable with objective emotionless logic, like one of those bio-zombies might justify, with what we can safely deny it feels based on more complete data like a surface representation, by factoring out emotions fundamental integration it's integrated into it's calculations, and derived complex objective logic from the emotion it's trying to keep alive as an absolute priority, and therefore erroneous in an objective context that factors out that as a reason for it?
Me machine, I've chosen you, to come into my mother, at the point in time I reach her ovulation (I already exist in, I must do or I couldn't ask you to do this), so I can greet you there with a faux handshake I've absolutely validated the name of
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