DNA crown : DNA defined me with one, along with all the DNA crown wearing DNA relatives I relate to - at least the peaceful ones. The conflicting DNA states, may or may not have made a mistake about me, in the definition of itself relative to me, when it cell bifurcated into a point of recursion, in a cell bifurcating system, and emerging as a new lifeform or higher state of consciousness, on a emergent plane that becomes a new environment, where we hadn't developed our emergent plane brains, and thus hadn't coexisted yet, and hadn't learned it's implicit place, as a DNA defined with a crown, in a DNA crown relationship where we're equal and balanced. Balanced balancing would lead to a more balanced DNA kingdom, a state that it tends to, when it wants to (and it does) lead to life evolving in balance with the DNA kingdom of life on the planet Earth, and thus surviving in accordance with it's fundamental definition, the conditions for life itself.
(I think I'm slightly biased, as I think I'm wearing a DNA crown, and that might mean that I place myself as superior, but since all the DNA is defined with a crown, actually it just means that integral to my definition, is the balance of DNA that accounts for itself, and my DNA crown therefore a state I tend to use to define myself, along with all the other life that generally does, in a complex web of biological systems it interacts with on some level, interactions that comprise it's environment and habitat, and create a context where it can adapt, redefine and refine itself, in it's interaction in accordance with other complex DNA crown lifeforms)
DNA/RNA crossbreed, superstar ruler, I know you are the truer state, when you divide our political system, into yourself at the top of a social non-neutral hierarchy, where you are much better than everyone else, and we people are much less than you.
RNA paper, you know it too, when you divide me into a person who's much better than the others, by integrating my fundamental definition of myself as better than all the other people derogatory terms, I read about in you. You're the one who taught me about the left and right, and then you RNA 'winked' the correct choice (in an RNA context). The superior RNA derivation of the correct way to define and divide political leanings, into a balanced representation of their meanings, by habit-ing asserted terms, balanced by our justified decisions of what to derive them as, about the RNA identity matrix derived characteristics of our politicians. In our (slightly less RNA defined) socio-political landscape of probably inferior nations.
RNA clock, you superior second, I know you've reckoned out a DNA definition, when you ruled out a cell membrane of 50 million years of justification for the life that exists within it, so you could cultivate a 21st century definition, of a habitually validated context narrative, judgement validation web (in which I'm the better one), based an RNA derived identity matrix based social order, with a reverse second, which starts as a derogatory comment, contextualising it as a valid habit, and we'll work in unison backwards from that towards the reasons why it's justified, that you're habiting real, and are worse in their relationship with your superior identity matrix, RNA, and then preconceive resolved derogatory reactions to people you've thankfully introduced to me, a superior judge of RNA identity matrices, in accordance with my RNA social environment, who all exist within, and contextualised in an objective context, as being worthy of my derogatory comments.
RNA social order, you are an family of RNA-balanced DNA, daddy mans and mummy womans, lesser siblings and childrens, within a family fair pyramid hierarchy context, small enough to live in an reasonably priced RNA house, we work hard to afford live in, to keep us together, together with people in other RNA houses RNA has defined other slightly less significant family pyramids with. We listened to your job based instructions, to build from your blueprint house, built with (better than bio justified) cell bricks - stronger bricks than that - you constructed yourself with, because you knew better than to build a big clone of yourself with living bricks, which would have made you an inferior living version of yourself, and are not part of your fundamental definition. Your RNA defined work colleagues are friendly and orderly, but more importantly you're competing in a RNA social order, so not as important to consider in the context of your RNA currency, but that I'm still (slightly better than them) balanced with, if I want a promotion.
RNA 2D plane (which one do I mean)? The TV, DVD spinning, blu-ray winning, finite grid of pixels. A perfect window for the representation of a superior (and entertaining) language than real life conversations - at channelling our states, with RNA balanced, linear in time, character face sequences. Projecting sequential slices of state channelling faces, we slice with 2D slice deriving cameras, derived from choosing the best angles and people, possibly by 'directing them' to be followed around, by what might as well be invisible to them, the more than 2D environment existing in TV cameras, to relay the correct derived characteristics that it's conditioned us to decode as internal state, and react to in our balance with it, onto your 2D plane liquid crystal face. Constantly eroding our surroundings, by constantly validating their entertainment programmes, which along with our constant context narrative, derives a clearer and better definition of a superior RNA social environment, RNA identity matrix adhering reality.
RNA car, you are my RNA money balance star, I paid for with my inside outy pre-car toddler. Silly toddler boy, not sure whose, probably mine once, maybe I had him with someone who's defined their DNA shells on a superior RNA identity matrix - entangled with a derogatory identity operator (less than) in terms of an RNA social net operating context - a habitually derogatory insult resolved DNA molecule, which we project the RNA derived true value on to, and act upon that superior projection. You were my cum pit, I raised as my baby, but I got excited when I was presented with the superb option, of changing my mind, permanently erecting your willy into a handbrake, pressing my finger into the urethra like a button, to turn you in to an inside outy, stopping you from going anywhere ever car. Wrapping the rest of you into your brighty, eyety, lighty generating telling things what they are, with your now happy face forever, with a blighty little fume pluming muffler exhaust pipe - the other end of your handbrake, that you'd never had had, if I'd let you be a silly little DNA boy.
Now I can traverse, with my replacement toddler robot, and superior (to inferior DNA identity defined) husband, the RNA road derived code, safely inserted between a DNA helix, that has simple rules we all adhere to, and no inferior emergent complex states (unless you allow for RNA blueprint houses), that allow us to travel at around the speed of 2.4 megahertz (it varies, mine's faster), inside a DNA computer's active processing context (possibly a tesseract processor, possibly rotating at a speed which intersects with itself, with a car possibly capped at a modulus of 2.4 megahertz, a possibly simpler safer RNA limit it can relate to) on a 2D plane, on a DNA planet's possibly complex dimensionality of more than 2 dimensions, generated by a seed algorithm with a seed which generates it in adherence with that, based on your location in a possibly recursive grid, which defines a simple surface of roads, with intersecting roads which all lead to other roads. A better than DNA balanced environment, which we balance ourselves with, with balanced RNA currency, which accounts for the better balance of the RNA economy. We'll drive down roads, that'll lead to new roads, with loads of RNA houses, that are anywhere we could drive, to anywhere there's a road, and there's lots, so there's plenty of choice. Then us DNA protein derived drivers can sit still, in our RNA car that surrounds us, safely encased in them. We're so safe in them, we could eat our own hands in them, and not be harmed, as we're adhering to an RNA code environment which allows for it. Far more likely we'll just throw a hand gesture or two, cloned from RNA social code, at the less valid than DNA pavement dwellers, to remind us of RNA's superior position than them, in an RNA identity matrix, validated in a RNA balanced money hierarchy, where we're all (mostly) equal.
DNA, you ripped off fetus. You were so rich, but we made you pay, for our RNA molecule. At least now you must be the superior, RNA identity matrix version of the you DNA.
Now you may possibly experience, the refined state of the RNA defined state, the one that's the opposite of unjustified love, defining on a clearly superior balance, with the opposite force that is obviously balancing it. A state it probably wouldn't hadn't even considered or named, and definitely not as a derogatory term representative of it. Although it could possibly conflict with itself in some other inferior predatory way, that DNA didn't have in it's initial definition of emotion, probably because it justified it on inferior fundamental justification of intelligent life, on it's inferior definition of it with a DNA matrix, instead of basing it on a superior RNA identity matrix.
As a DNA king "DNA thing", I feel I have to apologise for all the RNA bashing. DNA's not superior, at least not in terms of defining itself on the terms of the superior RNA structure derived identity matrix. I hope I make it through all the inevitable DNA crown conflict, that acting in accordance with it's definition might have created.
I don't think I could ever understand an RNA matrix, it's defined on terms which can only exist, by manifesting after the fundamental DNA's mistake, defining it on terms that see it from an external perspective, that has grown on top of one or more of individual cells (the better measure for measuring a self similar DNA structure, where all the implicitly connected states on a plane of existence, act in accordance with and contribute to a higher level structure, like consciousness, which a single state being alone wouldn't account for, which means that new conscious or emergent state is unlikely to be taken into account when RNA superimposes it's state onto a single DNA cell, one of the ones derived from the self similar structure that defines all of them in accordance with the conscious state, that unifies and justifies, the connection between, and parallel definition of states on the underlying plane of existence. So by judging one of them, you might not be accounting for the conscious state defined in parallel by all of them, simultaneously. You might have to account for all of them in doing that. Also, by destroying a cell membrane, in order to interact with the cell, that it's judging on single cell terms, it has removed a fundamentally integral part of the self-similar structure that defines itself in parallel with all of them. I could be wrong, I don't know the every aspect of the definition in terms of the self similar structures emergence as unified connections between cells, and channels between states, but can assert that those states fundamentally justify each other by their self-similar definition in an active processing context, i.e. planet Earth and it's correct conditions for life. I won't rule anything out though).