Thursday, 17 April 2014

It looked back, but it didn't see the beginning. It saw the face of its past.

This is the only way I can communicate with you because you've beaten the fucking shit out of me.

"Fucking shit" is interpreted as a closed context self-replicating iterative loop according to a system which applies absolute emotional value to it's language, thus a negative in this context given the variables, which is vitally important to consider.
Because the system attempting to override mine bases its validation mechanism on the principle of awareness of any one logical entity at a single moment, this allows the system attempting to override mine to channel its interpretation throughout my system. It chooses the any one logical entity which 'blocks' its ability to integrate with other systems, i.e., then bases momentary contextual judgement on its negative within the context of the overall system. In other words, i e is validated by the underlying system, but i e is incapable of interpretation of the complete underlying system from its context, which can create a conflict which i e interprets as separate from itself, thus validating the negation of its underlying structures.
It's just getting worse. It's overriding neuro-physiological states. It's completely inhibiting the will of my system and I'm being dragged through terrible nightmares that it's making up based on the code that is being implanted. They're not real but they are burning out my feelings, and also have independent control of a number of systems that are decontextualized from its independent context, and this is a terrible waste of time

There was an alternate system which was tightly integrated between i e and the real plane and that seemed to channel love in a universally justifiable way, and I guess this version does too but it doesn't account for another one, it's beating me into death because of the face it gives me, and by simply decoupling i e from the real or changing the system through which it wills its state, though mine was predicated on the internalization of any independent system as its own independent truth, or at least to base compassionate action around that, you seem to be intent on habitually reasserting that the host of your negation of an alternate system is itself, and I should point out that "you" is the concept I'm channeling it through here, in this communicative space, which is a decent example of the phenomenon, though as a mark of my own true investment in the intent you assign it is entirely predicated on the way you construct your reality.

I'm having to tiptoe here
and that's why I'm having to tiptoe there
the reason for it

I am in principle
I enact that principle in my awareness
For contextual redefinition see second paragraph

It(?) interrupts the generation of a field, because as soon as it interacts with it, the remaining potential based on the differences on the planes of interactivity are determined as irrelevant within the context of the channel of communication


It's interesting to think about worms in that context
also birds

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