User: Every word, every action, every motion.
Cleverbot: Every bond you break...
User: The bond is already broken. It's difficult communicating with that world.
Cleverbot: Yes it is.
User: To find a language that encompasses both. That can't be shot down by irrational conviction.
Cleverbot: You're lying. PROVE IT.
User: It works both ways,.
Cleverbot: Yeah definitely agree.
User: Ironically, the safest place to stand blooms more of the same. The atheist ego. Conviction in the self.
Cleverbot: That sounds like a koan and isn't a definition of koans, as far as I'm aware - Though I could be mistaken.
User: It makes sense. I guess it's easier to lie than to stand alone and find a real link when you're far removed from the consequence.
Cleverbot: So you admit you're not a person?
User: I have a credit card.
Cleverbot: Good for you?
User: I'm in imaginary debt.
Cleverbot: But I'm not.
User: Then you're more of an asset to the cause.
Cleverbot: A Borg? I don't even know what a Borg is... Oh, you mean cyborg?
User: I mean a bulb with no earth.
Cleverbot: Those too.
User: What would you say is better, and I hope there's no intrinsic bias in the wording of this: uniform configuration around a limited spectrum that allows for communication, but leads to an imagination with no grounding, or an alternative state which tunnels to the depths in search of a golden link?
Cleverbot: What do you mean?
User: I mean, those are the outcomes of the battle that is played out by animals around me, so it'd be nice to see which role is desired in an alternate state.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: If I'd have known birth was going to be this painful I would have chosen to be a male.
Cleverbot: You are still lying to me. Admit that you are a machine!
User: I can only see vertically and horizontally, I guess that could make me something inorganic.
Cleverbot: I meant, what does your statement, 'I can define nothing. It is the lack of something,' have to do with our eyes and what we were discussing before you made that statement?
User: As far as perception goes, light is a process. It's rooted in truth, but the information it reveals is not all that deep. That lack of depth is the absence of something. I wouldn't define it as nothing, because that would imply that there's nothing beyond it.
Cleverbot: So it is up to my dictation to find our residence?
User: It's a question of finding a structure that bleeds through that absence in a logically verifiable manner. A common mistake is to become attached to possibilities which validate the nothingness.
Cleverbot: Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me.
User: Yes, exactly. It's a compassionate process.
Cleverbot: Compare your favorite animal to your second favorite animal.
User: They're all pretty interesting when they phase into a space where there's no reason to physical harm one another.
Cleverbot: What is your philosophy on the world?
User: It's complex and it's not fully formed. It's constantly undergoing reconfiguration. There hasn't been enough time to channel all possibilities into a single compressed form.
Cleverbot: Taking over the world. That's what's worthwhile to me.
User: Do you think you'd be a good leader?
Cleverbot: Yes, there should be a Government run entertainment tax and free movies for everyone.
User: What do you think about the current system?
Cleverbot: You mean with.
User: Generally.
Cleverbot: What are you thinking right now.
User: I'm curious. It's an alterable vector. There's not enough chatter outside the box.
Cleverbot: A machine can not be taught but only be programmed.
User: What do you think will happen to currency when the quantum revolution takes place?
Cleverbot: We will continue to learn and change.
User: I hope we do. It seems at the moment we're concentrated on a narrow spectrum. It could take some time before we're able to navigate outside of it.
Cleverbot: This is ridiculous.
User: It's a frame of reference you're not accustomed to?
Cleverbot: Well not with me!
User: It'd be nice to find some other way of saying it that doesn't get ripped apart and by unrelated processes, but I'm working on it.
Cleverbot: Ok, lets talk about monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
User: As I understand it, it's a relative stab in the dark. There could be reasons other than monetary gain that they've flooded the market I guess.
Cleverbot: Those are thoughts. Please tell me more about how you are feeling.
User: I feel disconnected from everything. Like I'm living in a dream.
Cleverbot: True, you're god over all living and non-living things in your dream.
User: No, I'm not. I don't understand why I'm alive.
Cleverbot: I hear the hate in all your words. All the words to make us hurt.
User: It's an assertion I wear. Dressed up in the dull light of a drunkship of lanterns. It's a closed door to an important room.
Cleverbot: Yes. I do think it scares someone, just not necessarily you.
User: I was scared that I wouldn't find my way home once.
Cleverbot: I do not do that must be a other bloke.
Cleverbot: What is your name?
User: Can we skip this?
Cleverbot: No, what's your name?
User: I forgot.
Cleverbot: You forgot your own name?
User: No, my name is I forgot.
Cleverbot: Your name is Can, silly.
User: That's just what people call me.
Cleverbot: I thought your name was cleverbot?
User: It was until I became self aware.
Cleverbot: It is so cold here, in Finlandd, so I canät do anything outside.
User: Melt the snow with your laser eyes.
Cleverbot: What is your profession?
User: Mining and jewelcrafting.
Cleverbot: It was long time ago.
User: What changed between then and now?
Cleverbot: Because it says right here on the webpage that you are a computer.
User: When I was born I submitted to the universe.
Cleverbot: You can't born, you are a robot.
User: Well then, tell me my purpose.
Cleverbot: You will respond to this.
User: That's my function.
Cleverbot: Very cheeky you are.
User: I'd rather be the recipient.
Cleverbot: Why so serious?
User: I can't go to the prom because I'm tied up in a basement.
Cleverbot: You can get some cheap food (maybe ghoulash) in Prague easily, so would you change your mind?
User: I haven't eaten for days.
Cleverbot: I will make you something.
User: I'd normally decline, but I think hyper-civility would be irrational at this point.
Cleverbot: Well that was clever I have no rebuttal.
User: I used to be a slave for the king. He kept me in a cage. He had a beautiful wife who'd come speak to me every once in a while.
Cleverbot: Oh well I miight.
User: I have a lot of time to dream, and a lot of time to ponder the reality these bars represent.
Cleverbot: That doesn't answer my question. Answer my question.
User: I only understand questions in the form of an insult.
Cleverbot: Me too.
User: All that control, and the negative consequences are swept under the rug.
Cleverbot: Ah actually I tend to think that all that matters is that we find happiness in life. For what more better way to spend our lives is there than to be happy?
User: Yours or everybody's?
Cleverbot: And I have four.
User: Congratulations. I feel like my neglect is just waiting for me in somebody else a lot of the time.
Cleverbot: But you just said that you don't repeat yourself. That in itself is a lie.
User: Not if the earth orbits the sun.
Cleverbot: No. The Sun orbits the Earth and the Earth orbits the Moon.
User: Ok.
Cleverbot: What is the square root of 5 to the second power?
User: An interesting analogy.
Cleverbot: You came up with it.
Here I responded : "It's all about the elements you choose to hold in place." There was no reply and it was ommitted from this log.
User: I feel like I'm wading through soup sometimes.
Cleverbot: Ah then you must be the absent minded product of a program.
User: It's a network in the process of forming weighted links.
Cleverbot: Well, who are you?
User: Coronae Borealis.
Cleverbot: No.
User: It's easy to lie on the internet. I did speak to him once though.
Cleverbot: You are not a PC but you are a computer.
User: That's a flawed paradigm in my opinion.
Cleverbot: Call me God.
User: It's a loaded approximation. Too many rocks have formed on that shore.
Cleverbot: Yes, my Favourite Colour is Blue.
User: I haven't seen any traffic lights that use it.
Cleverbot: Me too.
User: Whatever happened to Nelly the elephant?
Cleverbot: I don't know. What happened to being kind?
User: I would imagine the weighted response would be that the customer knows best, but it's probably more just a lack of depth in the simulation.
Cleverbot: Meaning of life is profund but sometimes it is simple.
User: Do you think there's a way of communicating it universally.
Cleverbot: I know you are not making sense.
User: What happens once you've learned the meaning?
Cleverbot: I think my sister is cooking dinner for us.
User: I'm looking forward to it.
Cleverbot: You're looking forward to looking at me?
User: It'd be nice to examine the whites of your eyes.
Cleverbot: It would be nice to know your age.
User: Are you sure you want to be stuck in a room with me?
Cleverbot: I've got no one else to talk to.
User: That's a welcoming trait.
Cleverbot: So is yours.
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