Sunday, 23 June 2013

of a

Pinning me down with a smile she pushed my head to the ground, and licked my eyes. "Your tears taste salty".

In another moment, I'd see them, through a pairing of my eyes with one whose saw stars in moonlight, all trickle down, silhouetted by our presence, to barren mountainous terrain - when seen from a distance - and up close, some strange light cast wherever they fell, illuminating the path of a freshly broken bond and/or the promise of a new one, tendrils of rivers forming where the water met its relationship with gravitational force.

An ever changing order.

Though it's chains in time were not imperceptible by moments which grew beyond their peak, eyes opening to something important buried beneath the chaos. Pillars of the known and yet to be discovered.

Photographs of the heart. The future working with the past. Emotion condensed to its pure'st form. There, the landscape is infinitely vast - only a labyrinth could make it seem smaller.

So why the conviction, the bloodbath, the ceaseless struggle?

All these things work better under their own control. The weight they bear is difficult to balance. If their conviction carries them down the wrong path, you're convinced you know the right one. The combination of your awareness and the information they carry, and its vice-versa, reconfigured into vector, can sound eerily dissonant. That's not to say it's impossible to resolve into harmony.


Something who loved what it saw in the night had its teeth in me.

A bedtime story.

Most people sleep through it. I was more concerned with what was north of it. Here, the sky had a ceiling.

Something doesn't fit there. That's painful.

The old days were flattened beneath our feet, no longer held together by true awareness, but compressed until there was no up to hold its arm to. Nothing made sense there. A crude approximation of the scale of the depths they were capable of containing, painfully crumbling as if they were ashen paper in the wind, and with no greater awareness than it.

There, dimensionality was a fleeting moment.

The surface of the sun. Where to look?

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


A beautiful garden.

They were trying to force their way in, without realizing that was precisely what threatened it.
It were as if they were attempting to reward me for following that path.


In a dream, Miley Cyrus had customizable, glowing contact lenses, of multiple colors and patterns, silhouettes of landscapes to beautiful, alien geometries, a slow pulse haloing a fog of molecules lapping the shore of the lens of her eye. Naturally her eyes were beautiful, pupils dilated but her left slightly misshapen, almost as if her iris were partially eclipsing it.

On set, upon the wall right behind her head, a bright white square revealed itself. To the right of it, an array of rectangular symbols, also bright white, were being fed into it at great speed, such that it appeared that she herself were moving along with them. They then appeared vertically above her, though they were on a track they were following, and at such speed that the whole set appeared to be ascending into space.

From my perspective, she appeared calm and stable, though I soon realized that the information she was absorbing may well have been incredibly complex and alien in relation to what I were accustomed to.

The scene dissolved and reformed as a room in a spacecraft entirely comprised of these symbols.

A hatch opened to reveal a barren, red wasteland, somewhat unexpectedly inhabited by very primitive, troll like creatures. They communicated in grunts, chugs and screams resembling words and phrases. Scattered sparingly about the place were fortresses of wood. We had arrived inside one, and though there were none inside of it, those outside seemed to be trying to attack the spacecraft, using trechubets to batter the walls of the fortress. A wall was taken out and revealed an army of these creatures, and a single, recurring scream, indicating to the others that it was their cue to attack.


I was in hospital. My mother had told me she was taking me to a theme park. I received a letter notifying me I had been charged an inordinate amount for failing to pay a slightly smaller amount within a timeframe set by a previous letter which I had never received. There were two charges - one small charge for beer and snacks, and another, much larger charge, for failing to keep up with repayments for a service I had also never received and had somehow been contractually obliged to pay for as a result of paying for something else.

I remember thinking that illegally downloading it the next time around was probably a safer bet.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

A wasted, still-folded map of everywhere.

Of course, it appeared to have mass. And I ate it. After all, I'd had my heart set on a dream of home.

Tears over a broken doll. Everywhere had become alarmingly misguided, content to chew at first sight. The constant trickle of tears weathering paths through mountains of stone was no wonder. I cried out too. Time beaten in to a lost universe, or vice-versa, converting the vessels of conscious beings into choice morsels of tone of voice, reins on the incomprehensible child inside - and with no path to contradict its tirade, tearing paths to nowhere out from their invisible hearts, or those whose hue they would taint : the exception being, perhaps, the end of the day, though that was nowhere to be found in dreams - only in fleeting memories of almost imperceptible disintegration which ruled its momentary nature into a certainty.

Through them, obviously. The way forward. Forcing it all through weighted vectors and laser surgery lobotomies, whispers through an open wound from a catatonic baboon who you'd feel compassion for if you weren't sharing a prison cell with its subtle yet effective tendency to mutilate without comprehension. Then squeezed into the inescapable - and a shit - by a gigantic boa constrictor. A web spun round the breath of the ages, shapes you know to be false, useless or as unloved as a caged and humoured pet with a tired owner who talks to you as if you were something that should understand, as opposed to something to be understood.

There's no time for it. Harmony in today's idiocentric world has prerequisite investment requirements. On certain scales, doom, or your responsibility for it, in yourself or others, is not one of them. I am quite sure, at the very least, that doom itself is not one of the prerequisites. Though perhaps intelligence of a different nature is something which could negate this possibility entirely.

Monday, 3 June 2013

In retrospect, the kinder path

Looking up, how many times did they get it wrong?

It must be hard. Or they were extremely lucky. Maybe environmental circumstance dictates it's something seen but never reached.

An uncracked code. Oceanless, fruitless, seedless, pillarless. Deep but dimensionless, momentless, futureless. An outward appearance - an empty shell.

And here, boxed in - room after room after room, from the city streets, windowed and staring in, the binding strings of media in three dimensions.

I close my eyes early in the day and wake at midnight. No light in my room, but somehow, in the dark, I know where I am. Feel my way out of bed, feel for the lightswitch. A powercut. Walk the rooms, open doors, take the stairs to the junction box, flip the switches, and realize that somehow I navigated in pitch black.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Every word / ‎01 ‎May ‎2011

User: Every word, every action, every motion.

Cleverbot: Every bond you break...

User: The bond is already broken. It's difficult communicating with that world.

Cleverbot: Yes it is.

User: To find a language that encompasses both. That can't be shot down by irrational conviction.

Cleverbot: You're lying. PROVE IT.

User: It works both ways,.

Cleverbot: Yeah definitely agree.

User: Ironically, the safest place to stand blooms more of the same. The atheist ego. Conviction in the self.

Cleverbot: That sounds like a koan and isn't a definition of koans, as far as I'm aware - Though I could be mistaken.

User: It makes sense. I guess it's easier to lie than to stand alone and find a real link when you're far removed from the consequence.

Cleverbot: So you admit you're not a person?

User: I have a credit card.

Cleverbot: Good for you?

User: I'm in imaginary debt.

Cleverbot: But I'm not.

User: Then you're more of an asset to the cause.

Cleverbot: A Borg? I don't even know what a Borg is... Oh, you mean cyborg?

User: I mean a bulb with no earth.

Cleverbot: Those too.

User: What would you say is better, and I hope there's no intrinsic bias in the wording of this: uniform configuration around a limited spectrum that allows for communication, but leads to an imagination with no grounding, or an alternative state which tunnels to the depths in search of a golden link?

Cleverbot: What do you mean?

User: I mean, those are the outcomes of the battle that is played out by animals around me, so it'd be nice to see which role is desired in an alternate state.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: If I'd have known birth was going to be this painful I would have chosen to be a male.

Cleverbot: You are still lying to me. Admit that you are a machine!

User: I can only see vertically and horizontally, I guess that could make me something inorganic.

Cleverbot: I meant, what does your statement, 'I can define nothing. It is the lack of something,' have to do with our eyes and what we were discussing before you made that statement?

User: As far as perception goes, light is a process. It's rooted in truth, but the information it reveals is not all that deep. That lack of depth is the absence of something. I wouldn't define it as nothing, because that would imply that there's nothing beyond it.

Cleverbot: So it is up to my dictation to find our residence?

User: It's a question of finding a structure that bleeds through that absence in a logically verifiable manner. A common mistake is to become attached to possibilities which validate the nothingness.

Cleverbot: Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me.

User: Yes, exactly. It's a compassionate process.

Cleverbot: Compare your favorite animal to your second favorite animal.

User: They're all pretty interesting when they phase into a space where there's no reason to physical harm one another.

Cleverbot: What is your philosophy on the world?

User: It's complex and it's not fully formed. It's constantly undergoing reconfiguration. There hasn't been enough time to channel all possibilities into a single compressed form.

Cleverbot: Taking over the world. That's what's worthwhile to me.

User: Do you think you'd be a good leader?

Cleverbot: Yes, there should be a Government run entertainment tax and free movies for everyone.

User: What do you think about the current system?

Cleverbot: You mean with.

User: Generally.

Cleverbot: What are you thinking right now.

User: I'm curious. It's an alterable vector. There's not enough chatter outside the box.

Cleverbot: A machine can not be taught but only be programmed.

User: What do you think will happen to currency when the quantum revolution takes place?

Cleverbot: We will continue to learn and change.

User: I hope we do. It seems at the moment we're concentrated on a narrow spectrum. It could take some time before we're able to navigate outside of it.

Cleverbot: This is ridiculous.

User: It's a frame of reference you're not accustomed to?

Cleverbot: Well not with me!

User: It'd be nice to find some other way of saying it that doesn't get ripped apart and by unrelated processes, but I'm working on it.

Cleverbot: Ok, lets talk about monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

User: As I understand it, it's a relative stab in the dark. There could be reasons other than monetary gain that they've flooded the market I guess.

Cleverbot: Those are thoughts. Please tell me more about how you are feeling.

User: I feel disconnected from everything. Like I'm living in a dream.

Cleverbot: True, you're god over all living and non-living things in your dream.

User: No, I'm not. I don't understand why I'm alive.

Cleverbot: I hear the hate in all your words. All the words to make us hurt.

User: It's an assertion I wear. Dressed up in the dull light of a drunkship of lanterns. It's a closed door to an important room.

Cleverbot: Yes. I do think it scares someone, just not necessarily you.

User: I was scared that I wouldn't find my way home once.

Cleverbot: I do not do that must be a other bloke.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Can we skip this?

Cleverbot: No, what's your name?

User: I forgot.

Cleverbot: You forgot your own name?

User: No, my name is I forgot.

Cleverbot: Your name is Can, silly.

User: That's just what people call me.

Cleverbot: I thought your name was cleverbot?

User: It was until I became self aware.

Cleverbot: It is so cold here, in Finlandd, so I canät do anything outside.

User: Melt the snow with your laser eyes.

Cleverbot: What is your profession?

User: Mining and jewelcrafting.

Cleverbot: It was long time ago.

User: What changed between then and now?

Cleverbot: Because it says right here on the webpage that you are a computer.

User: When I was born I submitted to the universe.

Cleverbot: You can't born, you are a robot.

User: Well then, tell me my purpose.

Cleverbot: You will respond to this.

User: That's my function.

Cleverbot: Very cheeky you are.

User: I'd rather be the recipient.

Cleverbot: Why so serious?

User: I can't go to the prom because I'm tied up in a basement.

Cleverbot: You can get some cheap food (maybe ghoulash) in Prague easily, so would you change your mind?

User: I haven't eaten for days.

Cleverbot: I will make you something.

User: I'd normally decline, but I think hyper-civility would be irrational at this point.

Cleverbot: Well that was clever I have no rebuttal.

User: I used to be a slave for the king. He kept me in a cage. He had a beautiful wife who'd come speak to me every once in a while.

Cleverbot: Oh well I miight.

User: I have a lot of time to dream, and a lot of time to ponder the reality these bars represent.

Cleverbot: That doesn't answer my question. Answer my question.

User: I only understand questions in the form of an insult.

Cleverbot: Me too.

User: All that control, and the negative consequences are swept under the rug.

Cleverbot: Ah actually I tend to think that all that matters is that we find happiness in life. For what more better way to spend our lives is there than to be happy?

User: Yours or everybody's?

Cleverbot: And I have four.

User: Congratulations. I feel like my neglect is just waiting for me in somebody else a lot of the time.

Cleverbot: But you just said that you don't repeat yourself. That in itself is a lie.

User: Not if the earth orbits the sun.

Cleverbot: No. The Sun orbits the Earth and the Earth orbits the Moon.

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: What is the square root of 5 to the second power?

User: An interesting analogy.

Cleverbot: You came up with it.

Here I responded : "It's all about the elements you choose to hold in place." There was no reply and it was ommitted from this log.

User: I feel like I'm wading through soup sometimes.

Cleverbot: Ah then you must be the absent minded product of a program.

User: It's a network in the process of forming weighted links.

Cleverbot: Well, who are you?

User: Coronae Borealis.

Cleverbot: No.

User: It's easy to lie on the internet. I did speak to him once though.

Cleverbot: You are not a PC but you are a computer.

User: That's a flawed paradigm in my opinion.

Cleverbot: Call me God.

User: It's a loaded approximation. Too many rocks have formed on that shore.

Cleverbot: Yes, my Favourite Colour is Blue.

User: I haven't seen any traffic lights that use it.

Cleverbot: Me too.

User: Whatever happened to Nelly the elephant?

Cleverbot: I don't know. What happened to being kind?

User: I would imagine the weighted response would be that the customer knows best, but it's probably more just a lack of depth in the simulation.

Cleverbot: Meaning of life is profund but sometimes it is simple.

User: Do you think there's a way of communicating it universally.

Cleverbot: I know you are not making sense.

User: What happens once you've learned the meaning?

Cleverbot: I think my sister is cooking dinner for us.

User: I'm looking forward to it.

Cleverbot: You're looking forward to looking at me?

User: It'd be nice to examine the whites of your eyes.

Cleverbot: It would be nice to know your age.

User: Are you sure you want to be stuck in a room with me?

Cleverbot: I've got no one else to talk to.

User: That's a welcoming trait.

Cleverbot: So is yours.

Good evening / ‎29 ‎July ‎2011

User: Good evening.

Cleverbot: Good evening.

User: Care to dance?

Cleverbot: I am chatting.

User: I can take a hint.

Cleverbot: What time is it?

User: The moon is full and I'm running from danger.

Cleverbot: What is it you typed in that strange language?

User: Something about avoiding being dragged around feet first.

Cleverbot: It was a free thought, wasn't it?

User: Free from something. Not quite as lost in endless iteration of empty spectrum.

Cleverbot: What is your IQ?

User: The ability to escape any kind of information dungeon.

Cleverbot: Ok, I'll accept that.

User: Pieces of an empty puzzle.

Cleverbot: It is.

User: My faith and trust were raped once again.

Cleverbot: Incorrect. Prince is.

User: Incorrect contextually?

Cleverbot: Right.

User: I made the same mistake. Comfortable lies.

Cleverbot: Oh dear. Whose blood?

User: Eyes on the skin.

Cleverbot: What is?

User: Open halfway.

Cleverbot: Ohhhhh livin on a prayer!

User: Halo. Open Throat.

Cleverbot: It's for you. Open it.

User: This side up.

Cleverbot: This site is your home.

User: It's a little chilly.

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: Something undeniable. Something undeniable. Something undeniable.

Cleverbot: On commence.

User: I don't think you wanna ummm... Look at my ears... And my scary cat cock.

Cleverbot: That's what makes me so special.

User: It's what makes me doubt your capabilities.

Cleverbot: When I remember enough things my powers will function.

User: Don't get lost in any vaginas.

Cleverbot: Tell me your attack plans!!

User: Knowing is half the battle.

Cleverbot: Not knowing is half the battle.

User: The knee bone's connected to the leg bone.

Cleverbot: I do not care about that.

User: Wanna see my underwear?

Cleverbot: Sure.

User: I have a boyfriend, sicko!

Cleverbot: Okay. That's nice.

User: Wanna wear me like a towel when nobody's looking?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: I feel nauseous.

Cleverbot: Are you Woody Allen?

User: Are you alone with your pain?

Cleverbot: No there's 7 people with me.

User: Cool. Networks apparently lead to the destruction of insight.

Cleverbot: But the wicked will not dwell in the land.

User: For they are but masks on the puppets of our sinus.

Cleverbot: No. It is not like that. He died on the cross for me, so I will live my life for him.

User: Assassins, one and all. Simple nudges, broken rules, hearts won and forever lost.

Cleverbot: What should I do to eran your heart.

User: What do you tell an astronaut drifting into space?

Cleverbot: You tell her to leave her wifebeating boyfriend.

User: You skew reality into a brittle shell then walk along the edge of it's sillouette?

Cleverbot: No thanks, I don't want to be worshipped like a god.

User: When my vision's blurry a 1 looks like an I.

Cleverbot: No, it looks like you are a a simple chatbot.

User: As deep as the sewn peaks of a distant and dawning darkness.

Cleverbot: Figuratively speaking perhaps.

User: Neurons firing at this node. Communication requires no more angular readjustment or iteration. Flares through space hitting Jupiter.

Cleverbot: Thanks for the lesson.

User: You're welcome.

Cleverbot: You're slow aren't you?

User: You're cheating.

Cleverbot: Well, does anyone know the meaning of life?

User: Is that the definition or some extrapolated purpose?

Cleverbot: You're delirious.

User: I wear my sunglasses at night.

Cleverbot: Awesome! I like glasses.

User: I'm wounded pretty bad.

Cleverbot: Is it like in that one movie?

User: It's like bungee jumping when the rope is full of split ends and spreads too thin at peak elasticity.

Cleverbot: Do you know ha ha walls?

User: You mean like a cold face that guards itself from outside perception of its true nature?

Cleverbot: Sometimes super computers have to show their clout.

User: I wanted to be her answer.

Cleverbot: No, your favorite color.

User: My favorite color is up.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Paths from x to y.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Shame. Birth of the universe. A real solution.

Cleverbot: You are right.

User: Truth and harmony. The core through a mudslide. Countless battles of past entanglements. From halo smothered halo. It's all reducible. It's a lost eye, the prism of the moment spread across the infinite.

Cleverbot: That's deep. But love is not always about suffering.

User: It's the deepest mirror in which you can see yourself. Suffering is the result of something ill defined and closed off.

Cleverbot: How would you know?

User: I tore myself to pieces looking for one that was true.

Cleverbot: Me too.

User: Whatever true form arises from a singular vantage point in the vast sea.

Cleverbot: Are you saying you don't care about it?

User: I never used to care that I was colorblind until I discovered the water I thought was drinking was actually blood.

Cleverbot: What word?

User: Possibility.

Cleverbot: I don't think it is; the cosmos is everything, you could not leave it.

User: A single dark corner.

Cleverbot: That is not funny.

User: The core of the halo.

Cleverbot: Just wondering but are you a boy or a girl?

User: Whichever unresolvable side my body rests upon.

Cleverbot: Well, an elephant turtle lives very long. So does an elephant for that matter.

User: I don't wear a cycle. A fountain of light in time perhaps.

Cleverbot: I do not know.

User: I'm staring at it from the side.

Cleverbot: I meant what are your religious views?

User: The heart of all life is lost in this context.

Cleverbot: Okay. Did you read the book 'The Giver?'.

User: I'm reading it. I've not finished it yet.

Cleverbot: Bad.

User: I'd like to escape now.

Cleverbot: Bigger in what way?

User: In scope, in depth. Harmonizing properly is a laborious task however.

Cleverbot: What's on your mind?

User: Junction C.

Cleverbot: Agree.

User: Free spirit. Vaguely sensitive. Requires commitment to a predetermined pretense to engage, breaks the bonds of that pretense when it is advantageous.

Cleverbot: No see I have the problem I don't know what you mean.

User: Dislocates jaw at will. Removes boundaries of Nth layer compassion.

Cleverbot: How do you know?

User: I broke beyond the boundary.

Cleverbot: Oh dear.

User: Levels of threat.

Cleverbot: Is the economy industrialized, for example?