the closest thing to hell. Like being fed to it. As if in a dream, the nearest neighbor of
your subconscious entangled with a concept, an object. They made it
questioned the ‘character costume’, and they just gave up. Mentioned
efficiency. That kind of efficiency - an imbalanced transaction. That
requires the system to be well defined. Identity is not so - it’s its
own structure, something which can require a lifetime of waking hours of
dedication in order to reach a level which satisfies others. Extremely
easy to get lost in. No path back to a more unified understanding - it
takes just as much time to develop that.
state : “I just don’t get it”. It’s an attachment to a statement which
appears true and excuses the node who states it from any more
expenditure of mental effort. Holistic summary of a complex system,
backed up with an assertion : “efficiency”. Efficiency on part of the
person making the assertion. From my understanding, the statement
actually points to a system of socially verified truth by which
behaviour is judged to be positive or negative based on the attachments
of the node within the system.
reasoning behind the statement, in my estimation, is the desire to
expend effort within the confines of the system, the place where the
node feels most comfortable, a predefined map of attachments and
concepts. You understand it, and you will not be able to avoid it
yourself. You’ll take yourself apart. Some information, when validated,
will take you so far away from yourself you’ll be scared to look in the
mirror. You’ll be a lie, dressing yourself up. A dolly for your peers.
You could have just asked.
might conclude you’d happily be one. I’d suggest you don’t really
understand the problem. As far as carriers of emotion go, I’d suggest
attitude is an inhibitor. A set of rules which defend themselves, as
opposed to the core of your being - they lay on top of you, detached.
Lost. A program guiding you through a universe of endless possibility.
Immune system gone haywire, defending itself from evidence to the
contrary. The strategy is to continue pummeling with insults. Aphids
biting the neck.
a feeling. Filter it through teeming machinery in space. Copy machines.
Some order. Mostly chaos. Language. Leads you to a word. The song
behind is a lullaby. Pitchbending children interrupting your
performance. Modulation. A jump. Gravity. Hemisphere. This is all a
song. Sight reading. Sheet music. 2 dimensional. And a black hole where
possibility lies in patience. Lays in wait. Birdys frictionless reading,
inverse eyes skipping over the edges of a universe. Morse code coupled
with high frequency carrier. I wear a wedding dress, skipping over the
diagonals and rotations and translations. Reading the code I have time
to read. Feeding a potential reality. I’m potentially a scumbag. Rebuilt
from crystals projected through time, deep ether, fear I’m deaf or
blind to. Photons caught in baskets. Depth. Or fraying at the ends.
In moderation.
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