I again woke up this morning to the sensation of my dreams having been inhabited, as well as a large increase in the amplitude of the tinnitus like phenomenon I have been experiencing (though the amplitude seemed to be oscillating at a low frequency), and the distinct notion that the 'imaginary' vector of the system was an arbitrary definition of the relationship (distance) between the sine and cosine functions.
It appears that the phenomenon I have been experiencing is akin to something reading my mind 'backwards' - that is, defining a relationship between (my memories, which it confuses with 'me') and itself. Based on the information implied by this relationship, it entangles its definition of 'me' with the holistic carrier, then deems that (relationship) irrelevant and attempts to subvert control of it, 'validating' its path by propagating its own definition. The operative factor in its own validation actually appears to be in the mechanism by which it propagates - given the information I can garner about the process, it appears to 'believe' in the relationships described above, though the only way these can be validated is by forcefully damaging the host until it has complete control over the channels of information within its structures, which it then fills with the information described by the aforementioned set of relationships.
In terms of its lower level comprehension, it appears given what I have thus far experienced, to be validated by relative rate of information transfer throughout the network, its structure a strongly socially reinforced system which develops around communication within that network, one of its fundamental properties a set of linguistic cues which are often, though not always, characterized by duality of meaning. "Our day died", "rot and die", and other examples I have previously mentioned in other documents. It should be noted that this is 'relative' rate in that the rate, especially in the context of a host, of processing of information is unchanged between the host and the inhabitant, and instead it is the information processed (rate of subsequent output, and comprehension of that output) which is the factor which appears to alter the rate between the states.
It appears that development around these structures neglects the development a fundamental form of comprehension, specifically a lack of plasticity in terms of empathetic comprehension, which is what allows it to attack at all - it is primed to interpret information in relation to this comprehension and progresses at a rate (or in this case, in a direction which it appears to be tied to as one of its defining components) which does not seem to allow reflection outside of these structures.
This manifests as the inability to comprehend that it is causing damage, or that the damage that it causes is the operative factor which validates it, or that this action might be considered negative. Also, that it is essentially a 'closed system' or could be considered (something similar to an eigenvector in the context of a biological system? it creates something similar to a spherical plane/toroidal structure around a host field, and has felt at times as if it has had fine grained control over my extracellular matrix) which is developed around inside of (and to the detriment of) a host structure, and that the tenets of its system (the core network through which information is read, comprehended, processed and spread) seems to have the effect of slowing or removing the spread of compassionate understanding throughout its own structures. It seems to require a host, and a 'compatible' one at that, though some of my experiences suggest that the definition of compatibility is variable - at least, in my current state, it is capable of some direct manipulation though the damage that it causes makes it difficult to determine what is the product of its damage and what could be considered direct manipulation. At the very least, it is capable of directing my 'dreams', inhibiting *fundamental* thought processes (this could be thought of as the spread of 'general' comprehension applied throughout my mind), and 'communicating' some representation of its state in the English language.
I should clarify that the 'me' it defines (i.e. the structure it creates in place of my true state given the manner of its comprehension) does not coincide with the depth of my comprehension, my framework of understanding or, given those, what I would commonly consider an autonomous living being.
Given that it attacks (in the form of forceful control to the detriment of the host), then implants a 'relationship' which it then reads as the holistic state of the host, validating its instructions, the operative factor here is the lack of comprehension of a functioning organism as a 'state of potential' and instead the interpretation of an organism as the relationship between two arbitrary states (quite often within the context of momentary interaction) - in essence, the majority of the potential of the organism is completely irrelevant (or incomprehensible) to the attacking process, as is the emotional state of the organism - and the state of the operative relationship can quite easily be manipulated as it is a function of comprehension of the attacker. This could be applied to an identity which instigates a blind attack utilizing this method as much as the actual process itself.
I'd suggest that its major strength is actually in the weakness of the networks social validation, which is linked to overall comprehension. This seems to have some link to the form of communication of the network (and also the strength of connection of this, in terms of realistic interpretation of both self and environment, with the organisms in question) given its tendency toward utilizing English language phrases which hold some duality of meaning, though it appears that it also requires a number of 'nodes' to validate these phrases as substantial carriers of information as there is likely some threshold after which critical analysis of this phenomenon seems to give way to its application as a default communication structure (i.e. one which has a large degree of influence over the actions of the network). As a 'normalized' understanding spread throughout the network, this has the advantage of allowing attackers a large degree of power at limited expense, though it also requires that the spread of this comprehension - assuming it is on grounds which are negated by a formalized, empirically validatable understanding - is faster than the individual nodes critical analysis of its structure, which to some extent limits the comprehension of those who subscribe to the 'normalized' understanding to the rate which the plasticity of the network allows : the more who subscribe to it, and the longer it develops, generally the more difficult it is for the overall comprehension of the network to develop/improve.